Thursday, January 7, 2010

Picks of The Weekend! Were to go and whats worth Watching..

Since the first of the year I have been going strong with shows.  One after another after another.  I was tired and burnt out.  I got my second wind and here I go.  Although tonight i'm taking a break from rockin and rolling to celebrate my best mate's birthday, I will be listing the shows of the weekend... So please come on out and hang out celebrating the first month of a great year! 

Jan 7 
The Visual Underground is BACK! - Film/Rock/Art to drink to - live music by Crash Encore, Republic of Letters, DJ Edgartronic @ Casbah
Abe Vigoda, Best Coast, and Zola Jesus @ Soda Bar

Jan 8
Big Sandy and His Flyrite Boys, Smith's Ranch Boys, Brawley @ Casbah
The Mashtis CD Release / Lessons From Zeke / Golden Red / Simeon Flick @ The Ruby Room (should be a good one)
The Fascination, Vinyl Film, Bella Novela(LA), The RnR’s @ Radio Room

Jan 9
The Nervous Wreckords, Midnight Rivals, Black Hondo @ Casbah
ThatTimeOfTheMonth:Chris Pureka (NY) / The Dirty Legs / Mermaid / Wendy Bailey @ Ruby Room
Nautical Disaster, Death on Mars, Behind the Wagon @ Soda Bar

Jan 11
Anti Monday League presents Alberta Cross, Hacienda@ Casbah
The Tighten Ups! @ The Ruby Room

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